And it's one, two, three strikes you're out in that old ball game.
Even, I can't help but catch the fever. Baseball is back in Washington, DC.
Regardless of which side Washingtonians were on when the deal was being made, everyone seems to have caught the feeling.
The Washington Nationals bring baseball back to DC decades after the Washington Senators left. It's under a half hour from game time, and it seems that everyone is talking about it. Walking past bars, restaurants, and even convenient stores, I couldn't help but notice all eyes were focused on the TV's with the announcement of the home team.
Little boys with Nationals baseball hats playing in the streets. This city is electric. I overheard two longtime Boston and Yankees fans talking about the "switch" as they sat at the window table in New Orleans Cafe with their Nationals hats on.
As a long time unfan of baseball as a sport, I also am catching it. Baseball has and probably still will be the most boring sport in my opinion. I'd rather, and have, watch curling. But with no hockey to tide me over, I may have to catch a few games at RFK Stadium. I've already got a ticket to a game in June.
If I were to be a fan of any team prior to this season, I would say I'd be a Mets fan only due to growing up near Shea Stadium. However, as an instant Nats fan, it's different. This is my team. I guess you could also say that this is my city.
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