It's... It's... It's ALIVE!
Early this morning, the Vice President Dick went into the hospital for what they called shortness of breathe. With a pacemaker for his heart, a cane for walking due to his foot, the technology that gave Darth Vader his new body and Luke Skywalker his new hand is not coming soon enough. If the Emperor Rove will want to keep his sidekick Darth Dick alive he must empower the leader of the Imperial Forces Rumsfeld to accelerate the research.
Or maybe they have. DARPA has been tasked with accelerating research in replacement limb technology. This is cool and yet, scary at the same time.
In a related "OMG-They're-Recreating-Us-In-A-Lab" story, human transplants are taking on new meaning. Soon we'll be able to order spare parts like one orders at the drive thru. "Okay let's see, I'll take Tom Brady's hands and Brad Pitt's face. Hmmm... throw in a side order of Robin Williams toes... minus the hair!"
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