I'm allergic to everything!
Lately, I've noticed that my allergies have been getting worse. It was to the point where, I think I wasn't sleeping and began to develop bags under my eyes. I also believe that the bags and the sores under them were partially related to the excessive itchiness, and subsequent rubbing, I've been experiencing.
I've known that since I've lived in the DC area (notorious for making folks who aren't allergic allergic) I've developed allergic reactions to some pollens. I have two cats and have always thought that I've been allergic to them. I've dealt with it and moved on.
Well, I went to an allergist because of these latest bouts, and well wouldn't you know it, I'm allergic to everything but my cats! Dust, trees, grass, flowers, dogs, mold, everything. Obviously, these allergies are mild and I've, over the years, become accostomed to them.
But this thought did occur to me: "You mean, I'm not normal? This isn't how everyone feels all the time? There's a better way to feel in the morning?"
So after the numerous drugs and other fun things my doctor prescribed me, I should be able to actually breathe the way people without allergies breathe.
A whole new world awaits me. Time for more pills.